Edited by Ulrika Sparre
Texts by Virginia MacKenny, Johan Redin, Jacquelyn Davis, Virginia Marano, Sue Spaid, Marti Manen Design by Kölqvist
2020, English, softcover
47 pages, 30 x 25 cm
ISBN 9789151943824
The starting point for Ear to the Ground is a search for the spiritual and the physical in nature, and how these relationships are created and transformed. Ulrika Sparre’s landscapes of rock survey the archipelago of Stockholm, the desert of Death Valley and the caves of nomads in South Africa.
Ear to the Ground seeks to break down distance, and challenge the perception that there is a nature that exists apart from us. In order to face the threat of climate change, we must give voice to non-human actors - the gardens, the cities, the stones, the glaciers. Sparre wants to investigate how our relationship with what we call ‘nature’ can be reevaluated by giving it a voice and a possible language. This publication takes the reader on a lithic adventure, a visual journey providing an overview of the artworks, photographs, and material collected throughout the Ear to the Ground project.