Texts: Masha Taavoniku, Sara Walker
Design: Bedow
2023, English, Swedish, softcover
264 pages, 23 x 28 cm
ISBN: 9789198870503
Källman's photographic language alternates between the staged and works that, through light and reflections, darkness, and mirroring, exist on their own abstract level.
In our endeavor to broaden and deepen knowledge of contemporary photography, Jenny Källman’s fantastic oeuvre presented in Ghost Hunting is a rich source of exploration. She has been active for over twenty years and is rooted in the analogue photographic tradition, but she has unmistakably retained an unfailing curiosity when it comes to the specific characteristics (and limitations) of the photographic medium. What can a photograph be and what can it convey? Let the ghost hunt begin.
Sara Walker
The new book, the most comprehensive publication to date, includes photography, film stills and installation views from Källman’s over 20 year long artistry. With texts by art historian and writer Masha Taavoniku and art historian, writer, and the director of Swedish Association for Art, (SAK), Sara Walker.
Published in collaboration with SAK as well as the yearbook of 2023. SAK is the oldest and largest public art association in Sweden. Since 1832, the purpose of the association has been to promote an interest in contemporary art.