• Load image into Gallery viewer, COLLECTIVELY
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, COLLECTIVELY
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, COLLECTIVELY
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, COLLECTIVELY
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, COLLECTIVELY


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Editors: Anne Klontz, Johan Pousette 
Text by G. Castéra, S. Dahlqvist, R. Govender, L H. Millán, k.ö.k, B. Lace, G. Mamedov, A. Mendes, J. Pousette, f. rakun, F. Sandström, Werker Collective, WochenKlausur Design
Design: BankerWessel
2020, English, Swedish, softcove
263 pages, 17 x 24 cm
ISBN 9789198606546 

This book derives from Collectively, an international forum with 80 participants on the art of thinking, working and living together held at Konstnärsnämnden - The Swedish Arts Grants Committee/Iaspis in Stockholm, 24-26 May 2019.

The concept of Collectively was developed by Council and commissioned by Iaspis, and was curated by Grégory Castéra. The texts in this publication form a polyphony of the participants’ different voices, perspectives and reflections. The intention behind the forum was to explore collective ways of doing, how collectivity affects the notion of artistic creation, and how it can contribute to development within art, culture and society. Working collectively can give us a platform for relationships that build upon exchange rather than competition. The texts also reveal that collaboration can mean both possibilities and challenges. Published in collaboration with Konstnärsnämnden – The Swedish Arts Grants Committee/Iaspis.



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